Basic rules and guidelines for your
Steps to prepare for both
1. Selection of your topic (for the midterm) or
paper (for the final).
2. Obtaining my approval of your selection.
For the midterm talk, this will simply mean that you'll get the part
that you have selected on the first-come-first-serve basis. For the
final talk, the process is more complex and is described in more detail
in the section on Final project below.
important: You must obtain my approval (in writing) at
least 10 days before the day
of the first presentation by anyone in the class (the midterm
presentations will be spread over several lecture periods, while the
final presentations will all occur on the day of the final exam).
If you miss this deadline,
the following will occur:
- For the midterm, I will assign you the part
of the paper that has yet not been taken. You will not be able to dispute or
alter my selection.
- For the final, you will not be allowed to give your
final presentation, and your score for it
will be recorded as 0.
3. Scheduling your rehearsal with me. My
availability for rehearsals will be posted at least 2 weeks before the
first scheduled presentation. Your responsibility will be to book
a time that will work for you. The penalty
for not scheduling, or scheduling but missing, your rehearsal, will be the
reduction of your final numeric grade by 3.34% (i.e., by one grade
level, e.g., from B to B-). This will occur no matter how perfect your actual
talk in class may be.
You may
schedule your rehearsal before selecting your topic or paper. However,
the rule in item 2 above about obtaining my approval of your selection
will still apply.
4. Preparation of your talk. Details are
given in the respective sections below. You are welcome to work with
your classmates, and you are strongly encouraged to seek help of the
instructor as needed (see below).
5. Rehearsal. Details
are given in the respective sections below.
6. Modifying your talk according to the
instructor's suggestions that you have received during the
7. Delivering your talk on the scheduled day.