Rules about
final exam presentation
1. You may select either a topic of your interest or one from the
list of suggested topics, posted under the neighboring link. In either
case, your topic must not be
closely related to your research.
2. Be prepared that the process of selecting a suitable topic can take
considerable time and require several iterations with me. I may reject
your choices of topic based either on its content or level of
difficulty, or on any other criteria.
3. You must
obtain my approval of the topic at least two calendar weeks before
last class of the semester. (E.g., if the last class is on May 6, then
you must get your topic approved no later than by 5 p.m. on April
22rd.) Keep in mind that a lack
of planning by you will not constitute an emergency for me:
I will not give any priority to your requests to review your topic
proposals, should you decide to send them to me in the last few days
before the deadline.
Failure to
obtain my approval by the deadline will automatically entail the grade
of 0 for your final presentation.
4. Moreover,
you must present to me in
person a reasonably thought-over plan of your presentation at
least one calendar week before its date.
Failure to do so will
result in multiplying your final presentation grade by 50%,
while presenting an unthoroughly prepared (in my sole opinion)
plan will result
in that factor being between 0.7 and 0.8 (again, in my sole discretion).
I will schedule meetings with all class members on a
first-come-first-serve basis and will not stay
after business hours to accommodate anyone's last-minute requests.