Codes for examples and
homework problems:
HW # 1
- Examples of codes using the simple Euler method to a
sample equation
- If you are not yet comfortable with Matlab,
you may mimic your codes after this M-file: hw1_EX_Euler_direct.m
- If you are comfortable with using function
files in Matlab, you may write three codes doing the same job. In this
example, the first code hw1_EX_main4Euler.m
sets up parameters of the equation and the x-grid and then calls a
function hw1_EX_Euler_callsfun.m
. This latter code, in general, applies the Euler method to an
arbitrary function. In this example, such a function is defined in a
code fun4_hw1_EX_Euler_callsfun.m
. The only code you need to run to produce the solution is the
first one.
- The codes below are not
posted until you hand in your assignment for HW 1, but will be posted
right after that. You should mimic your codes on cRK for HW 2, and some
later codes, on the posted codes.
# 2
# 4
# 5
HW # 7
Figures that you should
expect to obtain in this HW set.
# 8
HW # 9
# 12
# 13
HW # 14
# 15
HW # 16